Spring in winter

When it is not spring
why do people put on shrouds,
and call themselves sane?

- me

Spring exists so that
we can all hope.

- Alaka

Hope exists so we can
spring back to life.

- Max

Spring exists because
even the high priests of sense
must know what life is.

- me

Spring exists so that
faith shall live.

- Alaka

Spring exists so that
sober propriety is not
allowed to kill joy.

- me

Reality is a
persistent illusion than can be
cured by alcohol!

- Max

Spring exists because
the world needs something that can
counter sanity.

- me

is madness,
is idiosyncrasy,
is eccentricity,
is abnormality,
is insanity,
is explosivity,
is terror,
is damnation,
is ruin,
is claustrophobia,
is pacific serenity
frothing inside,
placid on unruffled surface.

- Max

Spring exists because
every year everyone must,
atleast once, go mad.

- me

Persephone pours
the wine of summer folly
in Pluto's dark cup.

- Monica

bring it on, dear persephone!
i abide not want
but dress in spring's robes!

- Laura T
