A new bird in our garden

Every week is a discovery. This week I have added one bird and one plant to my knowledge of the natural history of Vijay Enclave, Waghbil Naka (where I live).

Yesterday I saw a pair - a pair - of Red-whiskered Bulbuls (Pycnonotus jocosus fuscicaudatus) in the jamun tree in the middle of the garden. To be distinguished from the Red-vented Bulbuls, which are common in our garden.

And I succeeded today in identifying a yellow tubular flower as Cascabela thevetia (I think), known as Yellow oleander (English), kaner (Noth India) and Manja arali (South India). My mother had identified it straightaway yesterday.

So now the bird checklist stands as:-

House Crow
Jungle Crow
House Sparrow
feral Blue Rock Pigeon
Indian Myna
Pied Myna
Red-vented Bulbul
Red-whiskered Bulbul
Black Drongo
Pariah Kite
Pied Bushchat / Indian Robin (nor sure which one)
Rose-ringed parakeet
Crow pheasant
Munias / Sunbirds (not clearly identified)
Barn owl

The checklist of flowers is rather poor, since I don't know most of our garden flowers yet:-

Laburnum (Amaltas)
Pride of India (Tamhan)
Flame of the Forest (Palash)
Yellow Oleander (Kaner, Manja arali)
Shoe-flower (Gurhal, Chembaruthi)
Jasmine (Chameli, Malligai)
Lantana (Chaturangi, Vanacchedi)


Anonymous said…
Amaltas is not Laburnum, its Cassia fistula.It is dubbed 'The Indian Laburnum' at times though because of its yellow colored flowers.

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