After long last, an original joke:
अध्यापक: होमवर्क क्यों नहीं किया?
विद्यार्थी: सर, बिजली नहीं थी|
अध्यापक: तो मोमबत्ती जला लेता|
विद्यार्थी: सर, माचिस नहीं थी|
अध्यापक: क्यों?
विद्यार्थी: पूजा घर में रखी थी|
अध्यापक: तो ले आता|
विद्यार्थी: नहाया नहीं था, सर|
अध्यापक: नहाया क्यों नहीं था?
विद्यार्थी: पानी नहीं था, सर|
अध्यापक: अरे, पानी क्यों नहीं था?
विद्यार्थी: सर, मोटर नहीं चल रही थी|
अध्यापक: हुम्म्म...अब मोटर को क्या हुआ?
विद्यार्थी: सर, कितनी बार बोलूँ बिजली नहीं थी!
(Teacher: Why didn't you do your homework?
Student: Sir, there was no electricity.
Teacher: So you could have lit a candle.
Student: Sir, there were no matches.
Teacher: Why?
Student: They were in the prayer room.
Teacher: So you could have brought them.
Student: I hadn't had a bath, Sir.
Teacher: Why hadn't you had a bath?
Student: There was no water, Sir.
Teacher: Arre, why wasn't there water?
Student: The motor was not working.
Teacher: what happened to the motor?
Student: How many times must I tell, there was no electricity!)
Got this as an sms forward.